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Employee Spotlight: Jill Richter

Jill Richter Employee Headshot

Employee Spotlights

Job title: Credit Manager
Location: Verona Operations Center
Tenure: 20 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was involved with the Willing Workers 4-H Club where I participated in various speaking contests and showed animals at the market animal show.
Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I was involved in FFA all through middle and high school. I participated in many FFA contests on the local, state and national level.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My grandparents, aunt and uncle operated a small dairy and crop farm in Rockingham County and my parents operated a part time cow/calf operation in Augusta County. When I was in middle school, my brother and I started a purebred sheep flock together and expanded to include market ewes as the years went by. We fitted and showed sheep together at several county and state fairs until I moved to a different part of the state after getting married. I was fortunate to be able to move back to August County after being gone several years and live about 5 minutes from where I grew up. I am no longer involved in the farm, but my brother continues to raise beef cattle, sheep and added poultry several years ago.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? My favorite holiday tradition is spending Christmas Eve with my mom's parents, brothers and sister. I have only missed two years: the year I got married and worked Christmas Eve and the first year of COVID. The gatherings have changed as we have lost loves ones, but we have added in new family members as well.
Tell us about your pets. We have two golden retrievers, Daisy (two) and Peaches (one). They keep our house full of activity all the time.

What is your favorite personal mantra or motto? "Find a golden nugget of joy, every single day!" Life is full of ups and downs, but everyone is blessed. If you look, you will find joy, even on those days that feel like your worst.
What is your favorite app and why? Pinterest is my favorite app. It finds anything I am looking for: tips on fast cleaning, what flowers are the easiest to grow, lost food recipes, literally anything and everything. The pictures help me decide yes or no fast.
What is your favorite season? Spring and fall are equally my favorite seasons. Each year spring starts with a new blank slate and fall wraps up what that growing season was. Spring and fall also have my favorite, just-right temperatures.
Have you ever collected anything? I used to collect Boyds Bears; however, after my kids broke a few of them on "accident" I decided it was time to collect something new. I moved on to pottery many years ago, and while breakable, the pottery items have escaped my kids, though it did help they were much older!
What was your first job? My first job was the summer I turned 16 and worked as a cashier at Super Fresh on North Coalter Street. I wanted a cash register forever as a kid for Christmas and never got one but many years later fulfilled my wish with my first job!
What is your favorite aspect of your job? Every day on the credit team is like opening a gift. You never know what type of loan request we might receive and each one is unique, therefore you never stop encountering opportunities to learn something new. I am also very fortunate in my role to work with employees from all areas of our footprint every day. 
What are your favorite weekend activities? I love mowing grass and weed eating; running a woodchipper has moved onto the list this year as well. These activities allow me to be outside and take my mind completely off everything. I also enjoy going kayaking. The ultimate thing I look forward to each week is knowing that the weekend holds more time to spend with family and supporting my kids. Family is everything, and I would be nowhere without the never-ending love and support I have had throughout my life.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to be in two places at once. 

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